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What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Neuropathy?

What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Neuropathy?

When your nervous system does not work properly or has got damaged due to any reason, then it gives rise to neuropathic pain. This nerve damage can even be the result of conditions like diabetes and chemotherapy, which is used for treating cancer patients.

If you are suffering from this condition, then you should start taking it seriously and follow the treatment methods given below in this article. Before we jump into its preventive measures or treatment, let us first have a look at what are its causes:


Causes of Neuropathy

  • Diabetes: When it comes to neuropathic pain, diabetes is the most common reason for its spread. A diabetic patient who starts experiencing peripheral neuropathy is also known by the term diabetic neuropathy. It is very common amongst people who have difficulty in controlling obesity and have high BP issues.
  • Infections: Various infections that can lead to the damage of your nerves include Leprosy, AIDS/HIV, Lyme disease, and syphilis.
  • Deficiency of vitamins: If a person is deficient in vitamin B, folate, and B12, then there are chances of nerve damage.
  • Uremia: Uremia is a condition in which excessive unwanted material accumulates in our blood due to the failure of kidneys. And this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of neuropathy.
  • Injury and tumors: Nerve injury and tumors are directly associated with neuropathy. As the flow of the blood in the injured areas decreases, it gives rise to neuropathic pain.


Treatment for Neuropathy

Treating the cause of the condition is the perfect way of treatment. Let us discuss some of the most effective treatments and preventive measures that can help you control neuropathy.

  • Medications: If you are having mild to moderate sort of neuropathic discomfort, then there are certain medicines that you can take but before consulting your doctor. These medications include tylenol, anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve and Advil, creams like lidocaine and capsaicin, etc. Neurazenx, formulated by Devan Patel, Tampa Pharmacist, is one of the best results giving medicine for neuropathic patients.
  • Exercising regularly: Exercising regularly helps in treating various causes that develop neuropathy in people. For instance, exercising helps in managing the sugar level, thereby controlling diabetes, which is one of the major causes of neuropathic problems.
  • Changing diet: If a person has diabetes, then he has to bring changes in his diet to control his sugar levels. Taking low carbohydrates and higher fiber content is considered a good diet for such patients. Try to avoid eating foods such as pastas, sweets, white bread, processed food, etc. Patients who don’t have diabetes but still have neuropathy should take antioxidants rich and high fiber content foods. Apart from this, they should reduce the consumption of saturated fats and alcohol.
  • Vitamins: As mentioned above, neuropathy can be also caused due to the deficiency of vitamins folate, B, and B12. Therefore, it is essential to take these vitamins in the form of supplements to eliminate neuropathic pain. Some other vitamins that you must intake are Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, Alpha-Lipoic acid, magnesium, and calcium.


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