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Why Your Landing Pages Ultimately Determine Your PPC Advertising Success

Why Your Landing Pages Ultimately Determine Your PPC Advertising Success

When you consider all the ways to improve your PPC advertising campaign, you probably look at factors like your ad copy, images, target demographics, and platform. While all of these factors play a significant role in your success, one critical factor will make or break your results: your landing pages.

At the end of the day, if your landing pages don’t convert, your PPC ads will fail. You could run the best ads written by the best copywriter in the world and still not get many conversions. If you want to have a successful PPC campaign, you need to optimize your landing page conversions. recommends plenty of testing and simplification to eliminate distractions, but that’s just the beginning. Your landing pages should feel like an extension of your ads, and that takes more than a few small tweaks.

Your PPC ads influence, but don’t guarantee, your conversions


Many people believe that a good PPC ad will convert based solely on the content of the ad. It’s believed that a good ad displayed to the right target market has the power to convert. Well, this is only half true.

A good PPC ad will influence a conversion, but the landing page ultimately determines the conversion. The entire process is like a relay race where all factors lead up to the final leg of the race, but only the final leg creates the win.

Since landing pages are the critical “last leg” component in your PPC ad campaign, your priority should be optimizing your landing pages. However, before you start adjusting your landing pages, consider that optimizing your PPC landing pages can’t be done in isolation. Your PPC ads and target landing pages need to be optimized together as one cohesive unit.

Does your landing page create a feeling of continuity from your ads?

Your ad campaign is an experience for your visitors. The experience begins when someone sees your ad and continues when they click and land on your website. This experience should feel natural to your visitors. In other words, there should be a seamless transition from your ad to your landing page.

If your landing page feels disjointed from your ads, your visitors will start to have second thoughts about whether or not they’re in the right place. When your visitors feel this dissonance, it will negatively impact your conversions.

It’s easy to toss up a few ads and direct them to existing pages on your website. However, that’s not the best route. To create a smooth experience for your ad visitors, create your ads in conjunction with your landing pages to make sure they match.

Here are 4 tips that will make your landing pages feel like an extension of your ad copy:

1. Use “keyword backtracking”


In Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), there’s something called “keyword backtracking.” Keyword backtracking is where you repeat someone’s words back to them to let them know you’ve gotten their communication. You do this before you ask more questions or try to solve their problem. It’s simple, yet exceptionally powerful. Keyword backtracking demonstrates active listening and will build instant rapport with someone.

When you incorporate this strategy into your advertising, you’ll see more conversions. You don’t need to repeat all of your ad copy on your landing page, but you do need to repeat just enough to make it clear your visitor is in the right place. Repeat your ad headline at the very least. While you’re technically repeating your own words, since your visitors will be thinking about your ad content, it will have the same effect.

2. Use the same color scheme between your ads and landing pages

Sometimes it’s appropriate to use bright and bold colors with your ads, but those same colors tend to look awful on a landing page. If you can’t use the same color scheme between your ads and your landing page, you’re going to lose conversions. You might get conversions, but your landing pages won’t be optimized for maximum conversions unless your color schemes match.

Using the same colors between your ads and landing pages is another way to tell visitors they’re in the right place. In addition, it helps to establish an unspoken feeling that the copy they’re reading is related to the ad they clicked. This is important since many advertisers use clickbait to get visitors to spammy landing pages.

3. Answer objections objectively and kindly


Chances are, your visitors will be thinking about at least one objection when they start reading your landing page. Your job is to get inside their head and respond to their objections in your copy. Think about what kind of objections people might form in response to reading your ad headline and copy. Make a list of these objections and then address them objectively on your landing page. However, you don’t want to defeat their objections. If you can smash objections with science, that’s different. However, make sure to word your rebuttals with kindness and understanding.

4. Tell people exactly what they’re going to get

The number one way to make your landing pages an extension of your ad copy is to tell your visitors exactly what they’re going to get in your ad. Then, reiterate that on your landing page. Make sure your promises and offers are an exact match.

For example, don’t promise something for free and then require a credit card on your landing page. Also, make sure your offers match. Don’t advertise a bonus offer as a main offer or vice versa. People pay attention, and if the offers don’t match, they’ll feel like they’re in the wrong place.

PPC ad optimization begins with ad copy and ends with a great landing page


It’s not enough to get clicks on your PPC ads – if your landing pages aren’t converting, you’re wasting money. To fully optimize your PPC ad campaign, begin by creating continuity between your ads and your landing pages. When you optimize your landing pages to match your ads, answer objections, and convert visitors, you’ll see your conversion rate and sales rise.

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